Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The College Of Design At Iowa State University - 861 Words
I created a poster to show how the sculpture, â€Å"Sequence†represents the College of Design. To show this, I decided to make the poster about the College of Design at Iowa State University. The audience of this poster is the students because they are the people that would be applying to be a design student. To catch the attention of students, I thought a poster would work better so when they walk by throughout a busy day they will notice it. I also wanted the poster to be landscape or more horizontal because the sculpture is the largest item on the poster and would make it more convenient. This poster’s purpose is to encourage students to apply to the College of Design. I chose the title, â€Å"Do You Have Qualities of a Design Student?†because I wanted to connect to the students on campus. I also put this at the top of the page so students see this first. This would make them continue to read the poster until they hit the bottom of the page which states, â⠂¬Å"Apply to the College of Design Today!†. This makes them leave the poster with a clear purpose which is to apply to the design program. I also wanted to include the academic departments of the College of Design. I included that on the left side of the page so it isn’t distracting, but still available for students to read. This informs students what programs the College of Design provides. The sculpture is in the center of the poster because this reflects the students and faculty in the College of Design. This is a largeShow MoreRelatedEssay885 Words  | 4 PagesLuckily enough here at Iowa State theres a great program to be able to do both! In this program, the importance of following the practical guidelines is during this time the program is delegated to be responsible for an authority to develop and commensurate. 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