Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Family conflict Essays
Family struggle Essays Family struggle Paper Family struggle Paper I never figured my more youthful sibling Tom would engage in drugs. He is just fourteen and he is blending in with an inappropriate group. My name is Phil and I have never really like that I wouldnt dream of it I am seventeen and Id like to think Im develop enough to do nothing even half as inept as medications. Ive disclosed to him a few times that hes squandering his life. What truly gets to me the most is that most ends of the week he stumbles in tranquilized up to the eyeballs in the early hours of the morning. He says its downturn and that I dont see yet one thing I do comprehend is a multi year old kid ought not be on a medications recovery course and staying in bed canals before hes even qualified to leave school. His companions are mostly to fault. They see that hes an obvious objective and effectively lead and they simply use it, to give them amusement and get him to do moronic things that they are to fearful to do which to be straightforward isn't what I call companions. My father must where he is considering leaving the family. : Hes proposed sending Tom away to a military school however my mum idea it was ludicrous and that thought was rejected. It will be Monday tomorrow beginning of the week ideally a new beginning for Tom, however we as a whole uncertainty it. My folks are first floor pausing and trusting that Tom will be back so as to hit the sack. She is so troubled right now she says that on the off chance that he isnt, at that point hes going to be bolted out of the house. She says this most evenings however we as a whole realize that shes trying to say this with the expectation that it will shake him up a piece and conceivably cause him to tune in for once. I woke toward the beginning of the day I heard my folks yelling in the following room I heard my folks state that tom didnt return the previous evening this wouldnt be the first run through this has occurred. Last time this happened my father was driving round the entire evening looking for him. He discovered him resting outside the corner shop like a tramp. He didnt tell my mum this as it wouldve upset her to discover that her child would prefer to rest in the city than rest under his own rooftop. My folks were still grinding away, it was getting stronger and stronger and I heard an entryway hammer. I feel that was my father, this is generally the manner in which they finish their contentions. I was beginning to get somewhat worried about where Tom had got up to this time so I tossed on my garments and surged in to the following space to ask my mum what precisely was going on here. I was shocked to locate my mum clustered up toward the edge of the room. I asked her where father had gone to which she answered with hes gone and hes not returning. I swung the entryway out of my way and ran towards the vehicle in a urgent endeavor to spare my family despite the fact that it presumably wasnt worth sparing. I crushed the entryway of the pivots and ran outside trusting that Id fall over and thump my head and wake up as this being an awful dream yet the truth is never that decent. I was searching for Tom trusting that on the off chance that I discovered him I could make him quit hauling his life down and our own down with it, I had an entirely smart thought of where to look. I never figured this would occur yet I was really satisfied to see my sibling. I looked through a window and I saw him lying on someones couch. I went to confront the entryway and before I needed to thump a kid of generally a similar age as Tom addressed he proclaimed with what do you need I didnt even trouble to answer him. I just pushed past him and hurried towards the room where tom was lying. I immovably got a handle on his neckline and raised him into the air causing him no decision yet to address me. He argued for me to put him down however I revealed to him that what I was doing to him now wouldnt approach what my mum is going to. I grasped on to his coat to ensure he didnt run off and when we returned home I tossed him inside and shut the entryway. He turned upward and saw mum despite everything crouched in the corner. He brought down his head as though to state Im sorry I didnt realize it had resulted in these present circumstances. I mentioned to mum to mention to him what hed caused however she was excessively stung. She couldnt even look at him without flinching I revealed to him straight that father had left. It made me wiped out to state those words and what aggravated it a ton was he really didnt look irritated by everything. I said to him you may not be annoyed yet mum and I are. Mum shouted for him to get out and she additionally said that she abhorred him and didnt need to see him once more. Tom was really influenced by what mum had said and it made him stomp off upstairs I heard the hammer of his entryway and to be straightforward I wasnt anticipating its sound opening once more. I stumbled off upstairs and sat on my bed. I was in despair I rested my head in my lap and shut my eyes trusting it would all leave. I could in any case hear crying originating from first floor I needed to proceed to check on the off chance that she was okay yet I couldnt force myself to prise my head from my lap and go ground floor. Most definitely, my life was finished.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Annotated Bibliography Essay
1.) How would we pick which laws are simply and which ones are most certainly not? †Unjust laws are those that deliberately disallow the person’s common freedoms, as indicated by the articles. 2.) What laws do you see that would fit the model for what ruler would call uncalled for? †Thanks to Dr. Lord and others who have affected the past of social liberties issues I don’t see numerous instances of shameful laws. The utilization of Marijuana is urged to be utilized in certain religions, in spite of the fact that in this nation it is illicit. Think about some out of line things you have seen and neglected to follow up on. 1.) Had you followed up on only it, would your contribution have transformed anything? †No, I would have been out numbered and potentially put myself and my youngsters in hurts way. 2.) What in the event that we as a whole responded too quickly and together to matter of shamefulness? †If most people would respond too quickly in a circumstance they would settle on silly choices and not set aside the effort to thoroughly consider the circumstance. 3.) How does the demonstration of practicing of our first change rights, particularly when we cooperate, help to shape the world we live in? †The issue is such a large number of individuals anticipate that others should fix their issues, so it might be hard to urge a considerable lot of them to utilize their first change rights. In the event that we could arrive at a state of a gathering of individuals cooperating then yes I do feel that we would have the option to settle on a sensible, legitimate end. 4.) How did the Occupy Wall Street Movement (OWS) utilize common defiance toâ further its motivation? †They cooperated and thought of their answer which wouldn’t bring about further circumstances or savagery and antagonistic vibe. 5.) Considering the results related with the OWS Movement, might we be able to guarantee that the times of viable common defiance are finished? †No, as I would like to think most huge occasions that have huge results will in general happen in any event indeed later on with twofold the force. Commented on catalog Essay The brutality depicted in the media will in general make the open increasingly forceful and powerless to savagery by the straightforward factor of impersonation. Additionally, because of the measure of brutality introduction, the open winds up having an adulterated thought of the world where they live. Media viciousness has consistently been a rising theme. We live in a world in which media is available in our regular day to day existences; regardless of whether we are viewing the news, or watching a film, tuning in to a melody, or in any event, playing a computer game. Numerous examinations have demonstrated an away from between the measure of viciousness introduction and the forceful and brutal conduct reflected in someone in particular. Also, in the wake of being continually presented to fierce substance, the open winds up accepting the world is a barbarous and unbound spot. This point is along these lines extremely fascinating to seek after and concentrate so as to have a superio r comprehension of it. The exploration I will follow will help show whether the media is in truth influencing the users’ brains and practices. Before taking on the subject I picked, I chose to go to the library to discover pertinent sources talking about savagery in the media. I made certain to discover believable and precise sources from the AUD database, as all the articles are peer-investigated. In addition, as I am a media understudy in the institute of interchanges and data considers, I am as of now perusing a book accessible at the library, entitled â€Å"Media, Culture and Society†by writer Paul Hodkinson. It was fascinating to discover a segment examining TV brutality. There was likewise an intriguing test driven by Albert Bandura so as to examine the conduct impact that media brutality has on the populace. These sources would be very advantageous and valuable to my examination paper. In addition, I was dazzled by the incredible number of diary articles talking about this particular subject, and they were anything but difficult to track down on the AUD database entitled Expanded Academic ASAP. I additionally figured out how to discover numerous online sources on web search tools, for example, Google. Be that as it may, it was difficult to assess the unwavering quality and believability of the sources as some significant data were missing, for example, the author’s name, and the date the article was distributed. In this manner, I decided to incorporate just a couple of explicit electronic sources, the ones that appeared to be generally exact to me. At long last, I figured it is fascinating to do a short review comprising of inquiries, for example, the measure of TV devoured day by day, the computer games played, the most savage film at any point viewed, on the off chance that they were ever in a battle. Be that as it may, my overview can't be a piece of my paper as the individuals Iâ targeted were schoolmates, and were in larger part exceptionally taught and media educated; along these lines, the media they expended isn't accepted to make them increasingly forceful. Explained list of sources Callahan, Sidney. â€Å"What We See, We Do: Violence and the Media.†Commonweal 123.1 (1996): 6+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Depicts how individuals learn savage conduct by observing it authorized. States that even kids who are not straightforwardly influenced by animosity get familiar with the conduct and recall how it’s done. They wind up having a propensity of copying the demonstration of viciousness. Cases â€Å"people mentally acknowledge and become what they see through the media†. This article would be fascinating for my paper as it features the intensity of media and the intensity of impersonation. Diorio, Geri. â€Å"The Mean World Syndrome: Media Violence and the Cultivation of Fear.†School Library Journal Dec. 2010: 61. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. This narrative depicts media researcher George Gerbner who clarifies his hypothesis concerning the impacts of being presented to elevated levels of media brutality. Gerbner accepts that people in general is in steady idea that the world is a savage spot; the open in this way consistently feels uncertain. The narrative examines an investigation giving a few insights on wrongdoings rates and people’s convictions on the quantity of violations happening each year. It is fascinating to talk about this examination in my paper. Gentile, Douglas An., and David A. Walsh. â€Å"A Validity Test of Movie, Television, and Video-Game Ratings.†Pediatrics June 2001: 1302. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Talks about film, TV and computer game evaluations. Demonstrates that parent appraisals and industry evaluations vary with respect to the measure of rough substance and depictions of brutality. Suggests that industry evaluations frameworks ought to be modified with the assistance of expert networks to improve their unwavering quality. In light of optional sources. This article would be intriguing for my paper as it shows that the appraisals are not completely solid, and numerous individuals figure out how to trespass them. Hodkinson, Paul. Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction. London: SAGE, 2011. Print. An area in the book, entitled â€Å"Bobo Dolls and transient conduct effects†embraces a test drove by Albert Bandura who is impacted by the social learning hypothesis, â€Å"which centers around the limit of people to learn practices by watching others†. This examination is hence helpful and intriguing for my paper as it takes on a legitimate report. Lemish, Dafna. â€Å"‘Will This Happen to Me?’ Children’s Exposure to Disaster, Violence in the News.†Gateway Journalism Review (2013): 10+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Inspects children’s introduction to viciousness in the news. States that kids and youngsters are crowds as well and are as often as possible presented to news deliberately or accidently. They wind up having an extremely negative picture of the world the live in. The creator talks about her perspective and gives exact models that would be helpful for my paper. Markey, Patrick M., and Kelly Scherer. â€Å"An Examination of Psychoticism and Motion Capture Controls As Moderators of the Effects of Violent Video Games.†Computers in Human Behavior 25.2 (2009): 407+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Looks at the potential directing impacts of movement catch innovation and participants’ own degree of psychoticism on their threatening vibe and forceful considerations in the wake of playing rough computer games. Shows that members with raised degrees of psychoticism are substantially more influenced by savage computer games than different members. Gives accurate data dependent on formal investigations. â€Å"Media Violence.†Pediatrics June 1995: 949+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Portrays the job of pediatricians in media outlets and the media. Recommends that pediatricians work together with TV stations and systems to restrain children’s introduction to fierce substance and guidance guardians to screen their children’s TV seeing propensities by restricting them to a couple of hours. In light of optional sources and gives data from formal examinations. Nikkelen, Sanne W. C., et al. â€Å"Media Violence and Children’s ADHD-Related Behaviors: A Genetic Susceptibility Perspective.†Journal of Communication 64.1 (2014): 42+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Gives understanding into the job of hereditary factors in media impacts. Inspects the connection between media viciousness presentation and consideration shortfall/hyperactivity issue (ADHD) and states hereditary mien as a potential reason for singular contrasts in children’s utilization of and vulnerability to media savagery. It is fascinating to make reference to in my paper how hereditary qualities can likewise be a factor in media impacts. Swani, Kunal, Marc G. Weinberger, and Charles S. Gulas. â€Å"The Impact of Violent Humor on Advertising Success: A Gender Perspective.†Journal of Advertising Oct.- Dec. 2013: 308+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Looks at this assembly of amusingness and physical viciousness in promoting. Gives two investigations of the reactions of people to savagery in clever publicizing. The outcomes propose there may
Monday, August 17, 2020
Best Email Provider
Best Email Provider © | Alexey BoldinIn this article, we will look at 1) what to look for when choosing an email provider, 2) free email providers, 3) paid email providers, and 4) most secure email providers.WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN CHOOSING AN EMAIL PROVIDEREmail is increasingly becoming the primary mode of communication in today’s world. Through both paid and free email providers, we are able to maintain personal and professional communication easily. In addition to this, other online platforms and social media websites now require a personal email address for registration.With ever increasing choices in email providers available, it can become very difficult to pick the right one that suits every requirement and provides the best service. There are some basic functionalities that any good email service provider should offer. These functionalities should go beyond just sending and receiving messages. These include:Features: Additional features that a good email provider should offer i nclude calendars, instant messaging options and mobile apps for smartphones and tablets. All features should sync seamlessly between desktop and mobile versionsStorage: An important thing to consider is the amount of storage space an email account offers. Some people prefer to keep detailed archives and have a lot of incoming and outgoing emails. For these people, the need for an email provider that offers extended storage space is extremely necessary.Attachment Limits: Another key considerations these days for email providers is how large an attachment can be sent in a regular email. With the proliferation of high definition photos and videos, it can be a challenge to send media and documents with embedded media over email.Filters and Folders for Organization: In order to maintain a clean inbox, folders and filters are an important feature. A good email host will allow these to be set up with some even allowing auto-sorting of incoming emails based on keywords, past preferences and behaviorEmail Composition Tools: This may not seem like an important feature to some people, but it is a useful tool to have options such as fonts, sizes, spell checks, signature etcSecurity: One key aspect of choosing an email provider is to assess the degree of security it provides. For even a regular user of email, there can be sensitive information to protect such as bank information, passwords, links to other websites and social media websites, tax information and other personal information. The ability to keep hackers and other cyber thieves out of an inbox therefore becomes a key consideration. A good email provider should provide layers of security that include, phishing filters, spam filters, secure login mechanisms, attachment scanning for viruses etcHelp, Support and FAQs: A good email provider should provide basic support for regular smaller problems as well as major issues. Help services can include password recovery, customer service over email or phones and frequentl y asked questionsData Portability: This aspect is often not considered but is a very important factor. This either means that the email provider must support a desktop client such as Outlook or Thunderbird or the service has export and import capabilities. Desktop clients are supported by email addresses in general. The other aspect is trickier since emails are usually easy to transfer back and forth. It is the contact list that creates problems and there is almost certainly some loss of data.Reliability: A reliable email provider should have as few connectivity issues as possible as well as smooth delivery of email, unhindered by things such as overzealous spam filters. This can be an issue in some providers where either emails are not received or do not reach their destination.FREE EMAIL PROVIDERSGmail © Wikimedia commons | GoogleGmail is one of the most popular email providers today. It is known for its simple and user free interface, ample storage space and a myriad of features. At present it offers about 15 GBs of inbox space to its users and this is extended periodically.Benefits of GmailFeaturesGmail provides a large number of features and the option of choosing to use any of 30 different languages. These can be used if required or ignored if not needed. Some of the more interesting and useful features include RSS feeds, labels, auto-saved drafts, auto forwarding, ability to send emails from other accounts owned by the same person.There is a search bar that allows the user to search within the inboxThere is an integrated instant messaging service called GtalkThere is constantly work being done to offer new features and improve existing ones.Organization There are also detailed options to organize conversations and emails into folders and filters allow these emails to directly be sent into relevant, specified folders.Junk email filters are very strong and work quite well to keep unwanted email out.Emails are organized into conversations rather than separately. This makes it much easier to keep track of them.There are also preset tabs and email is sorted into these automatically. These are the primary, social and promotional tabs.Interface There are no advertisements banners at any point on the screen. Some relevant text based advertisements are shown on one side.The interface is simple and easy to navigate though still displaying many of the features on offer. The email page loads faster than most other providers.Storage and AttachmentsGmail allows users to send emails with up to 20mb of attachments within.SupportThere is an extensive section for help and FAQs in addition to the option of emailing for a solution.Accessibility and SecurityGmail is smoothly integrated for mobile access with the Android operating system.Gmail also offers a two-step authenti cation making it a very safe service.ConcernsThere have been some privacy concerns with Gmail pertaining to the Google ads algorithm that reads emails. This is used to pick and display relevant text ads. This is a primary concern regarding Gmail.OutlookOutlook, the free online email provider and not the Microsoft desktop client, is one of the first free email services launched. It is the updated version of Hotmail.Benefits of OutlookFeaturesSince Microsoft owns Skype and is a part of the Facebook board, it is able to offer access to instant messaging and Facebook seamlessly.The account can be setup according to personal preferences. This customization includes filters, tabs and importance classification options for emails.InterfaceIn contrast to Hotmail’s slow and somewhat clunky interface, outlook is sleek and minimalist in appearance. The interface is both functional and visually appealing.AccessibilityThe account offers access to SkyDrive and other Windows Live tools and applic ations. It is also integrated with Windows phones and Windows 8.ConcernsThough vastly improved, the service still does not manage to create a strong enough motive for people to want to switch over from Gmail or chose Outlook over Gmail.Yahoo! Mail © Wikimedia commons | Yahoo!Also one of the initial email service providers, Yahoo! has made several improvements to its product.Benefits of Yahoo! MailInterfaceThe latest upgrade to the user interface by Yahoo! has brought it much closer to Gmail and even Outlook. The difference is that the email provider has kept its three pane screen model with the right pane being divided into sections. One of these offers email previews.FeaturesAmong the features offered is the Yahoo! Messenger, an integrated calendar and a contact list.OrganizationAs is the norm, there are options to apply filters, star important emails and sort the rest into tabs. The service allows attachments such as photos and videos to be viewed inside the inbox without the need for a separate tab.ConcernsOne major point of concern is that the service does not allow the email account to be accessed from different locations simultaneously.Another annoyance for many users is that the Yahoo! Mail page still sports banner adv ertisements.PAID EMAIL PROVIDERSOpting for a Domain NameThough free email providers are a good option for more people, it is tricky when the long term value of email accounts is considered. With Gmail overthrowing established players such as Hotmail and Yahoo, it may be a matter of time before another option comes along to dethrone Gmail. To prevent such an occurrence, business owners may find it a good idea to use a unique domain name for email service. This will ensure that no matter what the service being used, the email address will remain constant over time.The first step then is to invest in purchasing a domain name. The next step is to pick the right paid client to host this domain name.Examples of Paid Email ProvidersThexyz PremiumOne paid email provider is Thexyz, which offers more features to a professional, enterprise audience. All emails are automatically backedup, to ensure that no data is ever lost. This includes all sent and received emails and is an attractive featur e for businesses. he service allows more space in the inbox as well as up to 50MB of attachments per email. Other features include integrated group calendars and sync to smartphones. The service allows all data to be transferred seamlessly from another account.The appearance of the service is not as streamlined and attractive as other services such as Outlook or Gmail. But this is usually not a concern to the target audience for Thexyz. There is not much integration or plugins with other applications such as Skype or Facebook with Outlook.GoogleGoogle is one of the most popular choices for domain hosting. The service costs $5 per month per user on the hosted domain. For that subscription, the user will receive 25GB of storage and strong support from Gmail along with all the usual features and benefits.OutlookThe updated Outlook is another strong option for a paid email service. The major benefit of outlook is that it remains free for people looking to host their own domain. As many as 500 email addresses can be hosted for no charge and there is the option of upgrading to Outlook Plus to remove ads for a few of $19.95 per month. The services on offer include integration with Office Web Apps and Skype powered video chat. There is also a 2 step verification process which adds an important layer of security.The service does not support IMAP sync which means it cannot be used simultaneously in different locations unless the desktop email app Outlook is used.Office 365 Small BusinessAnother service by Micrsoft, a monthly subscription of $4 will allow access to Exchange in Microsoft’s Cloud. This means access to Exchange push email (IMAP or POP3 sync) among other features. For the $5 per month subscription, users also get access to Sharepoint which allows collaboration with teams. An additional fee of $7 means access to the complete Office 2013 for a PC and Office 2011 for a MAC.Atmail CloudAtmail offers an attractive user interface despite a few bumps here and the re. There are many of the same features as Gmail on offer and every kind of sync that is needed. There are tools available to manage an entire team. All this is available for a small subscription of $2 a month. The service does require a minimum of five users for a domain to be hosted.FastMailFastMail is a popular alternative to Gmail for hosting a domain name based email address. The service is an economical option that begins from $39.99 per year for a single email address hosted on a unique domain. There has been some improvement in the web apps but there is still a long way to go. The service does offer an IMAP and POP3 sync and there are options to increase the number of users on a domain.Rackspace EmailRackspace offers two options for users. A $2 subscription per user will give access to the providers own service while a $10 per month subscription will allow a user to access their Exchange powered email. A user can switch between these two options on one domain. The downside i s that there needs to be a minimum spend of $10 each month which translates to at least 5 users.HushmailHushmail is designed to offer great privacy to its users. This is achieved through HiPPA-compliant privacy, built in OpenPGP encryption, unlimited email aliases and other features. The subscription is $5.24 for each user every month along with a one-time $9.99 setup fee.ZohomailZoho is a little known office suit company that provides a lot more to its users. The company has an impressive array of web applications that range from office to CRM together with professional email hosting. There is a free option while the paid options allows extended storage and features. There are also no ads, push email and full sync support. The subscription is $2.5 for each user every month.MOST SECURE EMAIL PROVIDERSThere are increasing concerns about email services not being private and fears of surveillance and intrusive data mining. For users concerned with these issues, there are several servic es that provide a more secure environment for their users. A few of these services include:S-Mail: Though the interface appears outdated, the service uses up-to-date technology to ensure security of online communication. The service ensures that documents and files sent are not stored on any servers through a process where unlock keys are used for any email address. The messages sent are unlocked through the receiver’s unique address and electronic signature.Hushmail: This service encodes all messages automatically using an encryption technology. A special key code is required to decrypt and read messages. The service is free initially with the option to upgrade to access more storage and features.Lockbin: Messages on Lockbin are sent using an AES-256 bit encryption method. An unlock key needs to be provided to the receiver after the email is sent. This is a bit cumbersome but also a guarantee that the intended recipient is the only one who can access the email. Once viewed, the m essages are deleted from servers.NeoMailBox: Another secure and reliable service, NeoMailBox also provides IP anonymity and SSL protected internet surfing. These services are hosted in Switzerland which is a country supportive of privacy issues. There are also disposable email addresses available among other features.Proton Mail: Created out of concern by a group of CERN scientists, Proton mail is protected from any efforts to read emails intended for someone else. The service uses end to end encryption. Data is encrypted before it reaches the server and the encryption key is separated from the encrypted message to provide the necessary security. Servers are hosted in Switzerland for additional layers of security. The service is free with the option to upgrade for additional storage space.
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